05 November, 2008

Face of Hope...!!

At last it has happened – at last it is over. The arduously long 2 year campaign for the Presidential elections ended last night. And what an end! Barack Obama has become the face of hope for this country and the whole world. All the action happened very close to home and it was really awe-inspiring and humbling. And to a moment so historic, it couldn’t quite sink in that the images being beamed across the world came from so close to home. We were at real close quarters to where history happened last night.

Barack Obama has re-defined HOPE.

I watched his victory speech last night and actually had goosebumps listening to him talk...watching the wild cheering crowds, tears glistening in their eyes, nodding and believing what the man was saying. I really felt for a moment that I should have been there at Grant Park just to feel the spirit of the people.

And I could'nt help but wonder, can this ever happen in our country? Will there ever be a leader who can capture the imagination of the people, inspire people and actually make them believe that good things will come. Will there ever be a day when I’d actually want to attend a political rally to hear my leader speak in India. And will I really want to vote for a person for his own merits, not trying to figure out who is the lesser of the bunch of evils? Were Gandhi and Nehru like that, I wonder. Did they manage to galvanize a crowd into action? Will there be a day when a truly truly deserving candidate lead my country? Will the Change sweep over us, ever?

- Moi

Mood of the day: Happy and Hopeful

Song of the day: That's the way it is! - Celine Dion


Sushant said...

Apt write up for the glorious moment. YES WE CAN.

Anonymous said...

You bet. Felt the same! . It was electrifying. Never did I feel so much part of a political victory - you've greatly captured the mood.

PS: Knowing you I thought you would be at the Grant park 110%

Amrit said...
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