29 August, 2007

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Then the traveller in the dark,
Thanks you for your tiny spark,
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky.
As your bright and tiny spark,
Lights the traveller in the dark,—
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

24 August, 2007

Chocolate Devotion

There are a few things that can make me feel like a million dollars at the end of an otherwise crappy day. Shopping for stuff that I don't need in my wardrobe, a perfect bar of creamy chocolate and yes - ice cream. Ice cream - something that I cannot say no to any time of the day or the night. And if it is chocolate ice cream from Coldstone creamery, then we are talking serious business here people. It is like therapy for me, I call it chocolate therapy - ice cream and shopping are like therapy to me.

Well, tonight the Mister got a like-it cup of Coldstone's Chocolate Devotion ice cream - and boy was it good!! Chocolate brownie, chocolate chips mixed in lovingly with chocolate ice cream (it cannot get any more creamier and chocolatier!) ummmm....... in Rachel Ray's words - yum-O!! its the best way to end a Friday!

Mood of the moment: Contented

Song of the moment: Beedi


P.S: Hey Sushant - I beat you to it ... :D

The Potter Spell

I have been putting off writing about my favorite night time reading book for a long time now – cos much has been written and said about Harry Potter and I did not want to add to it. But today I finally decided that it definitely deserves some of my blog space.

I recently finished the seventh book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ( read it in two days .. has been my record for finishing a book so soon). I have to say that it was a great experience. I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the books in the series and cannot imagine that a book that has been targetted at children and youngsters had me captivated for so long. I bow to J K Rowling for creating these books and mesmerising the audience – young and old alike. The first 4 books in the series, I agree can categorise as children’s books, but from the fifth book onwards it’s a helluva reading even for twenty-something old.

I am almost sad the series is done and there would be no more books from her, I am going to miss Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Hagrid a lot.

Mood of the day: upbeat

Song of the day: Oho re taal mile nadi ke jal se...


23 August, 2007

Modest Beginnings!

When was the last time you did something for the first time ?

I read this somewhere on the internet or in some book a few days ago, and since then this question has been lingering in my mind – so I thought I had to put in my blog. And the question is staring in my face and I don’t know what to say except for a dismal “No clue!”

Then I thought harder and convinced myself that it could be anything that I did for the first time, however small or trivial it might be – and then I came up with I am trying to incorporate a healthy lifestyle – working out regularly and eating healthy by making conscious decisions as to what goes into my stomach as opposed to grabbing the nearest bag of chocs or cookies.

And now that the pressure of answering the question is over - the question makes me introspect and I think that the question kind of put something out there that all of us must have thought about at some time in our lives – that time is running too fast and there are still so many things that are left untried!

I know that I want to do sooooo many things – I could come up with a huuge list here – well sure some of them cannot be done due to reasonable constraints, but some of them, I have been putting off because of maybe pure lethargy. And now after thinking about this, I have made up my mind, to get off my lazy butt and get into business and at least try to make a few modest beginnings.

Well for starters – I started reading “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy – a book that I have been wanting to read for the past one year.

Mood of the day : Crappy

Song for the day: I believe in angels – Abba!


21 August, 2007


Currently my head is like a good recipe turned into mish mash by a terrible cook.
Everything is so convoluted that its going to be difficult to get any of my thoughts straight.
And moreover, people who make no difference whatsoever to my life keep popping up like little bob heads to make matters even worse inside.
ugggh.....I have like a million things in my head and all with the highest priority.

Does nebody ever feel this way ? I am sure they do...but its my time today...and happy untangling my thoughts to me.
I don’t even know what I'm feeling or what I want...its like a state that is precariously dangling between irritation and restlessness...and neither is a good option..
ugh ugh ugh.

Doesn’t it sound like I am having a ‘great’ day!!

Well you have a bad one !!


15 August, 2007

Half a Decade!!

5 years – yes, that’s half a decade, and that’s how long it has been since I first set foot on American soil. Wow, I still remember the day – 9th of august 2002 (I know I am posting this almost a week late!!- but heck at least I am), when I landed at O’Hare airport, Chicago – nervous, confused, anxious, out of place and awe struck! I am glad that after 5 years, am still in Chicago, a city I have grown to love like my own.

These 5 years have been a heck of a roller coaster ride, giving me some of the best times of my life and also some of my most difficult ones. Its amazing how much life has taught me staying away from my home and parents. Every year on this day I get a bit nostalgic and always wonder – what if I had not come to this country – where would life have taken me?

I agree that this is a land of opportunity and you are free to do your own thing – whatever that might be, but its not been a bed of roses exactly, and a lot has been endured in these five long years.

But needless to say, the land has taught me a lot, it has been a ride to cherish and there have been lessons worth remembering!

