The entire Sikh religion centres on this Mool Mantar. The Mool Mantar was uttered by the first Sikh Guru, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who was born in 1469 AD, in Talwandi, India. The Mool Mantar is also the first text in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book of the Sikhs.
Ik Onkar
Sat Naam
Karta Purakh
Nirbhau Nirvair
Akal Murat
Ajuni Saibham
There is only one God
Truth is his name
He is the creator
He is without fear
He is without hate
He is timeless and without form
He is beyond death, the enlightned one
He can be known by the Guru’s grace.
Subsequent words in the prologue further expand this concept.
Aad Sach
Jugad Sach
Hai Bhi Sach
Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach
True before creation
True through all ages
True also today
says Nanak,
True He shall eternally be.
This Japu (sloka) further reaffirms the Supremacy of God. Briefly the Japu reiterates the prologue by simply stating that GOD IS.
It is a very simple yet dynamic statement. The dynamics of this Japu is revealed when one realizes that “Truth” is always used as a singular, never a plural. Guru Nanak, in a very simple yet scientific way affirms that only ‘that’ what is constant can be “Truth”. No wonder then, in all known knowledge through various schools of psychology, sciences and philosophy, only God is that permanent and constant entity, hence the only Truth.
Soche Soch Na Hovai Je Sochi Lakh Var
Chupe Chup Na Hovai Je Lai Raha Liv Tar
Bhukhia Bhukh Na Utari Je Banna Puria Bhar
Sahas Sianpa Lakh Hohi Ta Ik Na Chale Nal
Kiv Sachiara Hoiai Kiv Kurai Tute Pal
Hukam Razai Chalna Nanak Likhiya Nal
Thinking does not reach belief, if one thinks a million times
Prolonged silence and meditation does not quieten the mind
Hunger (Greed) cannot be satisfied even with loads of food (wealth)
At the time of death intellectual smartness also stays behind
How can then we realize the Truth and destroy falsehood
Says Nanak live with His Divine Will.
Guru Nanak lays emphasis on living a life based on Truth. Guru Nanak’s Hukam Razai Chalna is placed in the Japuji Sahib as the First Commandment. This commandment implies total surrender of oneself to the Supreme.
Let this verse play on continuous mode when you are alone, just with yourself and put an end to your thoughts and the rest will be taken care of by it.
Mood of the day: Agitated
Calvin and Hobbes moment of the day:

Vaidehi, I am glad you looked into Mool mantra. Yes it is something that we recite all the time. We are taught the Mool mantra right from when we start speaking. If you get to read "Shloks by 9th guru Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji", You will find the truth of life and death in there. My favorite one is "Chinta Taaki Keejiye, Jo ANhoni Hoye" It is sung or read after someone's death and it means, why worry about dying, worry about it if it is some "anhoni"... it is not......
Mool Matar is the beginning of Japuji Sahib and representsa a jist of the message of the bani of Japuji Sahib .
Books On Sikhism , Sikh History & Culture
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