31 December, 2008
Happy New Year!
Neways, all good things come to an end - and so is 2008. Wish you all (all of the 2 or 3 people) who read this blog a Very Happy New Year!
- Moi
Mood of the day: Dubious
Song of the day: Where's the party tonite?
P.S: Writing on the wall for the day: Worrying is optional!
Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional!
29 December, 2008
'08 - '09
I am feeling quite anti-social at the moment; looks like new-year blues have caught on! – is there something called new-year blues?
Christmas went by and the fat man (read Santa!) failed to create the mojo for me! New Year’s Eve parties need to be planned – but the joie de vivre is missing. I don’t feel like planning anything – and the weather is not helping either! Is it me or Chicago has never been so melancholic before? Sigh … maybe tomorrow will be a brighter day!
Song of the day: Guzarish
Mood of the day: Gloomy
26 December, 2008
On another note, high for today: A R Rehman is nominated for the Golden Globes for his music score for the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" - as I said in my prev. post here, the music was really groovy, I did not know when I was watching the movie that it was a Rehman score, and I was like the background score is really good, wonder who the music director is - and reading the title credits at the end of the movie - I was not surprised! I hope he does win!!
- Moi
Mood for the day: Relaxed
Song for the day: Maula maula mere maula - Dostana
25 December, 2008
Rab ne bana di jodi!
The movie was bad- we did not like it one bit and I was really bored - cliched scenes and over the top dialogues. One dialog in the movie - "Mujhe tum mein rab dikhta hai" - this is the central dialog of the movie. All the characters keep telling this to each other "Mujhe tum mein rab dikhta hai".
Well, I was maha-bored, and we were basically making fun of the movie, laughing and generally having a good time. I turn to the Mister and ask him "Kya tumko mujh mein rab dikhta hai?"
Promptly he turned to me and said "Haan dikhta hai na - mujhe tum mein Durga dikhti hai!"
12 December, 2008
Songs - of the other kind!
Songs that you always associate with certain people, certain incidents, certain times, certain memories. Songs that create moments - create memories. Here is a list of a few of such songs and what they mean to me. Every time I listen to any of these songs, everything comes back to me in a rush, bringing back all my thoughts and experiences associated with them.
1. O humdum suniyo re…
I love this movie, I love the songs of this movie – he left it on the voice message of my phone once – it was one of my ‘awww…’ moments
2. Gumshuda… koi hua
Voice chat over yahoo… he used to play this song on his end, when I went to India without him
3. Chandan sa badan…
He sang the whole song for me in a train ride going home – I don’t think he remembers it but I do
4. Janu meri jaan (replaces janu with my nick name)
Sings it every time I am angry with him
5. Chalte Chalte (from the movie Chalte Chalte)
I remember one of my friends when I listen to this song – ‘cos he got very sentimental one day listening to this
6. Pyar ke liye char pal kam nahi the
I remember one of my gal friends during my master’s who was going through a bad phase with her then-boy friend. This song was playing and she just started crying
7. Who the f*** is Alice?
Reminds me of my dear friend from engineering – ah those were the days!
8. Pal Pal dil ke paas
Always reminds me of my sister – when we were kids we always listened to the radio in the night before we fell asleep – and this song used to play a lot on the radio and she used to just love this song
9. Everything I do – I do it for you!
Somebody anonymously dedicated this song to me in the college fest – always makes me wonder who it was when I listen to this song
10. That’s the way it is – Celine Dion
Reminds me of a time in my own life when I really believed in this song and loved it … played it over and over just to reinforce the faith
11. Aye ganpat…
Reminds me of the road trip to the Smokies – the drive is a whole 10 hours and I think this song was playing on loop for at least 5 out of the 10 hours J
12. Ek akela is shehar mein
Reminds me of my first year in the US and a dear friend who was engaged. Her fiancĂ© had gifted her with a cd of his favorite hindi movie songs. She was never a fan of Hindi movie music. Eventually, I ended up listening to that cd more than she ever did. This song was the first song in that cd – and I will always remember her when I listen to this song.
13. Bavra man dekhne chala ek sapna (Swanand Kirkire’s version)
This is a beautiful song- one of my favs. I listened to the songs from this movie quite late as I watched this movie quite late. I remember I watched this movie alone, and was very depressed after watching it, and when this song played I almost cried.
14. I just called to say I love you…
I remember this song – my first year in the US - my roomies (equally crazy as me) and me were trying to learn this song one night– playing it line after line, pausing it, repeating after it – and we finally learn the whole song by heart by 3.00 am in the morning. The three of us were singing so loudly and excitedly, the neighbor had to knock at our door at 3:00am and had to ask us stop :D.
15. That don’t impress me much
Again reminds me of my sis and me when we were in India – we really liked this song – and Shania Twain was hot.
16. Actually any Bryan Adams or Pink Floyd songs reminds me of my college days. I really really miss the happy-go-lucky, don't have a care in the world days.
- Moi
P.S: In the first 4 songs – the “he” refers to the Mister
10 December, 2008
Koyla hoye jaaye khaak
Jiya jale toh kuchh na hoye re
Na dhuan na raakh
-- Omkara
P.S: I am hooked to M and M's especially the peanut ones. I totally love the yellow ones in the packet from the vending machine... I always pick the yellow ones out and eat them first - they somehow taste better than the rest me thinks!
- Moi
08 December, 2008
I don't know – I don't know if Gandhigiri is the way to go in the age of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.
When Mumbai was under attack I was enraged - it was impotent rage I think - I wanted action, I wanted to see some results - I was arguing with the Mister that it is not the age of Gandhi anymore and we have to fight back and kick ass.
What exactly is the Gandhian philosophy? I think it is the opposite of dadagiri in the sense that this philosophy also uses force - but the force that it uses is a moral one to assert its point of view. Also, I personally think that Gandhiji stood for action in the face of oppression and definitely not passive contemplation.
If someone slapped one cheek, would you turn in the other one? – Is that what Gandhiji really expected of India? Is this really what he preached? If hundreds of people get killed, should we just sit back and contemplate and wait for when and where would the next attack be? I am not saying we need to go to war – but surely there must be some pre-emptive action that could be taken?
Gandhiji must surely be turning in his grave today. There are a lot of people who are dead against this man – who got us our independence. Everytime the country faces a crisis, Gandhi's name is brought up – Is this how Gandhi envisioned independent India to be? And we don't even think twice before we start blaming our fore fathers to have left us with words like non-violence, satyagraha et al as a legacy. We Indians are very very adept at passing the buck. Who better qualified to blame than the father of the nation. A lot of people are of the opinion that we are shackled by the pre-independence philosophies and that is in some way hampering our growth.
Well, I don't think so. Actually now that I think about it – I think Gandhian philosophy would work – actually maybe that's the only recourse for India.
Because the corner stones of the Gandhian philosophy are life, truth and morality.
We Indians take only the principle of non-violence as being Gandhi's principle and we attribute our regressive philosophies to that man. Everybody of us forget that he preached life, truth and above all morality in addition to ahimsa. We forget that if every Indian would lead a truthful and moral life - we would have been better equipped to handle the Mumbai attack. Yes, every problem in India is inter-related. It all comes back to wide-spread corruption - which is in itself rampant because of a struggle for existence - well, I think it comes a full circle.
Though their interpretations will or rather should change with age and time, I think that Gandhian principles will always be relevant and applicable in any age. It all depends on how ones uses them. Perspective is important.
- Moi
05 December, 2008
04 December, 2008
Raindrops on roses...!
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things
Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite things
When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad
Couldn't think of a title for this!
It always seems to me that just when life is plodding along comfortably, something seems to go wrong – I am suddenly faced with an aberration, which is least expected. Well one can just sigh, take it in – and move on. Such is life they say!
I watched the movie “Slumdog Millionaire” last weekend. I really loved the movie. It was surprisingly brilliant and the music was really groovy (A Rehman composition of course!). Watched “Dostana” the week before – the less said about it, the better. All I can say about it is Bobby Deol is the only character in the movie who actually looks and acts gay. And last night watched the new movie “Sorry Bhai!” and I am really sorry that I wasted my time watching that movie. Its one of those wannabe art movies - tries too hard. But in the end I felt the movie was just plain ridiculous.
My mind is just rambling – and I am not even sure what I want to say in this post. The holiday season is upon us, the Christmas lights are up everywhere – but it somehow doesn’t feel as festive as every year. People are wary about the economy and altogether its not a very happy atmosphere.
Well on a positive note, I am looking forward to our Hawaii trip – actually I cannot even believe I am going – I think it has not sunk in yet. I am sure much fun will be had and will be a good break from the winter.
- Moi
P.S: One of my colleagues asked me if I believed in ghosts – I told her “No, but I am sure the ghosts believe in me”, needless to say she was nonplussed :D
Mood of the day: Lost
Song of the day: Devil in disguise
01 December, 2008
How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
How many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea?
Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head,
Pretending he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
- Bob Dylan
29 November, 2008
Why ??
My emotions range from sadness to depression to anger to hatred to pride. There is a nagging sense of loss. I think that we as a country are doing something really wrong. I don't know what - but this should not have happened. It was heart wrenching to see the saga go on and on for more than 60 hours now. I feel really sorry for the people who were a part of the gory attack that happened and all we can say is it will end soon!! Will it - really? Yes, Mumbai will be brought under control soon - but has this really ended? Again, India will adopt a holier than thou attitude and I don't know if that's what it should be doing. We cannot sit waiting for some divine intervention to happen and end this madness. I think it is high time that India takes matters in its own hands.
May all the terrorists who were behind this be killed and I wish they rot in hell. I don't think that I have ever felt so strongly about anything or anyone. But I really pray their end. Watching the Indian security forces fight relentlessly, tirelessly for such a long time fills me up with a sense of pride and also gratefulness. Hats off to all the police force, the army, NSGs, the fire fighters and all the security forces of India who put their lives in the line of fire and did such a great job in cleaning up the whole mess and finishing off the terrorists - also a tribute and salute to all the people who lost their lives in this gory mess. May their souls rest in peace! My condolences to the victims and their families who have been traumatized by this attack.
I don't want to get into what mistakes were made by India in the handling of this terror situation. And sitting here far away from the ground realities, its incredibly unfair to pass judgements. Even as I type these words rescue operations are still on at the Taj where the NSG and the Army is battling it out in Mumbai.
When I started to write this post, I intended it to be a long one - because I felt I had so much to say about the past three days - but somehow the words are eluding me - something of such big magnitude cannot be contained in a mere post. I just hope that justice will be brought!!
P.S: Where is Mr. Raj Thakarey - does he realize that the commandos brought in from different parts of the country - they were North Indians and South Indians who are fighting it out for Mumbai - who are ready to lay down their lives so that people in Mumbai can feel safe. I am just tired - I am tired because I have been so angry and my mood has been so volatile for the past 3 days.
20 November, 2008
06 November, 2008
This and that!
Now that Barack Obama has been elected the first African American President of the United States, everybody is swept in the Obamania. Daniel Craig has said that if the world’s most powerful human being is black, it is now time to make history with movies – with a Black Bond. Wow - what next?? Not that I would mind – because I am sure black or white 007 will be eye candy for me J
I am glad that this Obama chapter has reached its end. I will get to watch and catch up on the prime time tv – that I have missed for the last 6 months! Because the Mister watched, heard, read, ate, drank only Obama for the last 6 months so much that even my MIL who's been here for 3 months knows what Obama's schedule for the day is. Understandably the Mister is very sad - he is experiencing withdrawal symptoms!! One more thing I am glad about is I don’t have to watch Keith Olbermann every night – ‘cos God knows I would have puked if he would take another potshot at John McCain – talk about unbiased news channels.
Another high for me this weekend – Hamilton won the Formula One this year – and is the world champion. Me says – he should have won last year but yay!!!
On the last note – Rest in Peace Michael Crichton. The great writer passed away yesterday. The dinosaur man gave us many great science fictions.
- Moi
05 November, 2008
Face of Hope...!!
Barack Obama has re-defined HOPE.
I watched his victory speech last night and actually had goosebumps listening to him talk...watching the wild cheering crowds, tears glistening in their eyes, nodding and believing what the man was saying. I really felt for a moment that I should have been there at Grant Park just to feel the spirit of the people.
And I could'nt help but wonder, can this ever happen in our country? Will there ever be a leader who can capture the imagination of the people, inspire people and actually make them believe that good things will come. Will there ever be a day when I’d actually want to attend a political rally to hear my leader speak in India. And will I really want to vote for a person for his own merits, not trying to figure out who is the lesser of the bunch of evils? Were Gandhi and Nehru like that, I wonder. Did they manage to galvanize a crowd into action? Will there be a day when a truly truly deserving candidate lead my country? Will the Change sweep over us, ever?
- Moi
Mood of the day: Happy and Hopeful
Song of the day: That's the way it is! - Celine Dion
04 November, 2008
1 Minute Movie!!
After watching an endless amount of such movies mostly on Doordarshan I think this is a list of the salient points that most of the movies consisted. Most of the movies would contain at least 1 to all of these stereotypes. Read this for those who don’t have the time to see them all.
1. The elderly woman with the saree pallu draped around her head and a big red bindi denotes a chaste pati vrata naari , indulgent mother and wonderful cook who whips up 75 course meals with her smile and pallu intact and without a drop of perspiration. She has witnessed first hand the battle of Mahabharatha and the unfolding of the Ramayan. Preferred background score when she is around: The sweet sound of Bansuri or Flute! Visualise Nirupa Roy – she was the quintessential mom of Bollywood.
2. A frail old man in a kurta pyjama is almost always the father who works hard at the villain’s factory for a pittance. He is a sincere and dedicated worker who sticks to his job even though he has not been paid for the past 72 years! He suffers from a chronic cough that may be used to kill him off if the script demands. Preferred background scores for Pitaji: A mournful violin recital. Visualise A.K Hangal or Shriram Lagoo – they fit the role perfectly.
3. If their daughter is shown plain and with a cherubic character, then she is sure to get raped by the villain so that her brother, the hero has enough ammo to go after the villain. She will commit suicide after she vomits.
4. If the sister is shown wearing short mini skirts and revealing clothes then she is a bad bad girl and will surely fall under the charm of the villain’s sidey and get pregnant. Hearing this father will suffer a heart attack and die leaving the family destitute. The sister will turn a new leaf overnight and wear simple cotton sarees and begins going to the temple morning, evening and night. She will eventually marry the father of her child after the last scene when the Hero beats him up black and blue and is about to crush his head with a rock the size of Mt Abu. She will intervene just before the Hero crushes his head by imploring the Hero to spare the father of her unborn son or crush her too with the ten tonner of a rock. The father of the unborn child is immediately due to a chemical reaction, transformed into a good man who will promptly agree to marry her without a DNA test of the baby.
5. Then there is the hero of the movie, with perfectly black, oiled hair and big sideburns. Wears extremely tight pants and a shirt with the top two buttons open. He is a model son, a model student, a model brother, a model boyfriend – you get the drift. There will definitely be a rakhi scene with a bhai-behen ka pyar song. Visualise Raj Babbar, Mithun Chakraborthy etc
6. A woman in a saree with her eyebrows shaped in a sharp arc is the vixen of the piece. Her make up is harsh so that you don’t mistake her to be the loving mother. And to drive home the point that she is the villainess of the piece, the preferred background scores for her will wear out the cymbals and drums of the background orchestra. Visualise Bindu or Aruna Irani
7. The gal who arrives into the camera frame in slow motion, tossing her hair to some electric music is the Heroine. The Hero instantly falls in love with her. She instantly dislikes him. Then they sing a song picturized around ten International Gardens spanning seven countries. She falls in love with him after the song is over. Then they introduce themselves. Visualise Leena Chandravarkar or Anita Raj (if you know who she is J)
8. The man with the really bad sun glasses and cheap Cigar is the villain! He will sit on a papier-mâché throne in front of a bar with foreign scotch whiskey bottles filled with what looks like weak tea surrounded by a bevy of beauties called Mona, Monica, Ruby and Julie, not necessarily in that order. Visualise Ajit, Pran, Prem Chopra etc
9. The Villain will almost always kidnap the Heroine and keep her captive in a dilapidated fort or some ruined building with time bombs ticking. The fort has huge walls with "Raja loves Rani" and "Jesus saves!" kinda scribbling all over.
10. The hero comes to the rescue of the heroine and beats up the bad guys like no tomorrow. All the desi ghee and makhan ka khana that the mom fed him all these years helps him flex his muscles and fight away everybody.
11. The mother of all battles happen in the last scene when the dilapidated fort is made further bereft of huge rocks that the Hero takes to throw at the Villain and his hired men.
12. The Police arrive at the fag end of the movie without an FIR being filed. This is a miracle of sorts in India and happens only in Hindi movies. They will immediately spot and arrest the baddies from the milling crowd of people beating each other to pulp. Visualise Iftikhar in a jeep with 10 other police people in their Khakhi uniforms.
13. Hero and heroine are immediately beamed up to a marriage pandal where they smile coyly, bedecked, at the camera and the legend “THE END” with flowers in the background.
And the audiences feel genuinely happy it is over!
- Moi
03 November, 2008
What can you say..??
Moi: (Trying to get some attention from him) I am happy you liked the gift so much
The Mister (All misty eyed and sincere) : It’s my favorite toy after you!!
Well, what can you say to that ??
Happy Birthday to you Mister!!
Mood of the day: Happy – (its going to be 73 deg today)
Song of the day: Kabhi Kabhi aditi
- Moi
28 October, 2008
Happy Diwali!!
Its just Tuesday morning and its 3 more days to the weekend – I AM IN DENIAL!!
I have already finished my day's quota of chocolate and its not even 9:00am yet - I AM IN DENIAL!!
Ekdum Happy Diwali to everybody!!
Mood of the day: Phased out
Song of the day: Tu hi tu satrangi re
- Moi
22 October, 2008
Food for thought!
When a saint and a wordly man met,
each looked at the other,
silent and mocking.
Both laughed at each other.
Each said the same thing:
What have you done to yourself?
- Bharat Thakur
Thinking on these lines - assuming that this is an either/or situation for each of us - I don't know which side of the fence I would be standing on in a few decades.
- Moi
Mood of the day: Busy
Song of the day: Chandni raatein ....
20 October, 2008
16 October, 2008
15 October, 2008
I am a Maharashtrian gal – and proud of it, brought up in Hyderabad – again proud of it.
I consider myself to be a Hyderabadi as I lived there my whole life before I came to Chicago. I speak fluent Marathi – ok not as great as any Puneri would speak – but I do speak Marathi at home with everybody. I am tired of answering a favorite question from people – Oh you are from Hyd? Do you speak Telegu at home then? (this question is invariably from a marathi speaking person; also notice the tel-e-gu – a maharashtrian can never pronounce it as telugu) In my head I start screaming No! NO! NO! – I speak in Marathi not Telugu – but in reality I politely reply saying that we converse in Marathi at home.
I have been brought up in a land where there were very few marathi families around and I did not have any marathi friends. So in school, I invariably spoke in English. Also, apart from home, I never spoke in Marathi to anybody else as there was no chance to do so. So anybody who was new or a stranger or not family the immediate impulse was to speak in Hindi or English. And this frame of mind has stuck with me. Even as of today I cannot speak in Marathi to a person whom I am meeting for the first time even though I know that person to be a Maharashtrian. I cannot speak in Marathi to people who I am not comfortable with. There are very few people outside of my family with who I converse in Marathi – and I want to tell the world – its not because I have an attitude problem – its not because I am a SNOB – its circumstantial. It’s because of the place I grew up in – it's not because I don’t like speaking in Marathi – I love the language. I have to be comfortable with a person to hit it off in Marathi. I know it does'nt sound too logical, and I agree I am a bit weird, but it takes all kinds to make this world, no?
So next time if a Marathi speaking person finds me replying back in English its because I don’t consider you dear enough or close enough to start speaking in Marathi with. It's not that I am not comfortable speaking Marathi - I am not comfortable speaking it with you!! So stop judging me!
There, I said it and now I am at peace with the world!! :)
Mood of the Day: Peaceful
Song of the Day: Padosan teri murgi ko rakhna sambhal – (don’t even ask me which movie!)
14 October, 2008
10 Fav Literary Characters!
These are a few of my favorite literary characters – not necessarily in any order.
Howard Roark – He is the quintessential hero of the literary world for me. I am a huge Ayn Rand fan and her books have influenced me a great deal. Howard Roark, who is
Albus Dumbledore – The greatest wizard of all times from the series Harry Potter. This half-moon spectacled wizard is my favorite character from the Harry Potter series and I was devastated when he was killed in the sixth book.
Atticus Finch – This righteous, idealist man influenced me a great deal in my teens when I read To Kill a Mocking Bird
Dominique Francon – When anyone thinks of The Fountainhead they only think of Roark but I think Dominique was an intriguing character and a perfect match for Howard Roark – I adore her character.
Frederick Troterville – “Fatty” from Enid Blyton’s Mystery series – he is the head of the five find outers and is one of my all time favorite Enid Blyton characters
Clarence Threepwood, 9th Earl of Emsworth, Viscount Bosham or Lord Emsworth – This P.G Wodehouse character of
Calvin – Calvin of “Calvin and Hobbes” – one of my favorite comic characters – it is not just a comic strip but I think that Calvin and Hobbes often get pretty philosophical and deep.
Dennis the Menace – I just adore him
Scarlett O’ Hara- She is one of the most richly developed female characters of the time in literature - Selfish, shrewd and vain, Scarlett gets her strong will from her Irish father. Her character is so beautifully etched in the book; she remains one of my favorite literary characters
10 October, 2008
Food Coma....!
Have you ever felt that you have eaten so much that your brain has stopped reacting?
Well, it happens all the time with me and I call it Food Coma!! I am in Food Coma right now – just gorged on Chinese food for lunch and am back at my desk pretending to work – and its not working – the pretension I mean!!
Song of the day: Alvida - Life in Metro
Mood of the day: Brain freeze
28 August, 2008
Summer of '08!!
Change is inevitable – I tell to myself. I am not a person averse to change, rather I am a person who does embrace change and looks forward to it. But there are a few apprehensions and doubts that I am sure everybody has to deal with. Especially the kind of career path I have chosen, where I change my workplace faster than the season changes in Chicago, I have to always be ready to jump into new environments and start liking it. Still there is always an uncertainty when I start a new project, will I like the new place as much as the old one? Will I be able to meet more interesting people as I always did before? More often than not I do.
Well, I am in an introspective state of mind, and am trying to condition myself for the change that will happen soon. Anyways, a lot has been happening this summer. This summer was by far my busiest summer in
So many new places visited, some old places re-visited and I thoroughly enjoyed all of it. Experienced a few new things and did a few things that I always loved doing. The Mister took me skydiving for my birthday as a surprise gift. I wanted to do this since a long time – and it’s an experience that cannot be shared or told – you have to do it to feel it. Jumping off a plane from 13,000ft is a mind numbing, exhilarating, adrenaline pumping experience of a lifetime. It leaves you so happy that I told about it to every person that I spoke to for a whole week after I did it. Thinking about it 2 months after I did it – still gets my heart to beat faster.
We took a road trip around the
This long weekend we are taking mil to
Calvin and Hobbes for the day:
24 July, 2008
Ik Onkar: Way to the other world
The entire Sikh religion centres on this Mool Mantar. The Mool Mantar was uttered by the first Sikh Guru, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who was born in 1469 AD, in Talwandi, India. The Mool Mantar is also the first text in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book of the Sikhs.
Ik Onkar
Sat Naam
Karta Purakh
Nirbhau Nirvair
Akal Murat
Ajuni Saibham
There is only one God
Truth is his name
He is the creator
He is without fear
He is without hate
He is timeless and without form
He is beyond death, the enlightned one
He can be known by the Guru’s grace.
Subsequent words in the prologue further expand this concept.
Aad Sach
Jugad Sach
Hai Bhi Sach
Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach
True before creation
True through all ages
True also today
says Nanak,
True He shall eternally be.
This Japu (sloka) further reaffirms the Supremacy of God. Briefly the Japu reiterates the prologue by simply stating that GOD IS.
It is a very simple yet dynamic statement. The dynamics of this Japu is revealed when one realizes that “Truth” is always used as a singular, never a plural. Guru Nanak, in a very simple yet scientific way affirms that only ‘that’ what is constant can be “Truth”. No wonder then, in all known knowledge through various schools of psychology, sciences and philosophy, only God is that permanent and constant entity, hence the only Truth.
Soche Soch Na Hovai Je Sochi Lakh Var
Chupe Chup Na Hovai Je Lai Raha Liv Tar
Bhukhia Bhukh Na Utari Je Banna Puria Bhar
Sahas Sianpa Lakh Hohi Ta Ik Na Chale Nal
Kiv Sachiara Hoiai Kiv Kurai Tute Pal
Hukam Razai Chalna Nanak Likhiya Nal
Thinking does not reach belief, if one thinks a million times
Prolonged silence and meditation does not quieten the mind
Hunger (Greed) cannot be satisfied even with loads of food (wealth)
At the time of death intellectual smartness also stays behind
How can then we realize the Truth and destroy falsehood
Says Nanak live with His Divine Will.
Guru Nanak lays emphasis on living a life based on Truth. Guru Nanak’s Hukam Razai Chalna is placed in the Japuji Sahib as the First Commandment. This commandment implies total surrender of oneself to the Supreme.
Let this verse play on continuous mode when you are alone, just with yourself and put an end to your thoughts and the rest will be taken care of by it.
Mood of the day: Agitated
Calvin and Hobbes moment of the day:

03 March, 2008
I watched the movie like 2 weeks ago and I know I am late in writing a review-but life was just too busy these last couple of weeks. So here goes-
I was waiting to watch this Gowariker movie since I heard about it first. I really liked the last two movies of Gowariker and wanted to check out whether he was really a good film-maker or just a flash in the pan. Hrithik Roshan being in the movie was a huge plus – needless to say am a big Hrithik fan. The movie released, the reviews were encouraging. But the duration of the movie was a daunting 3hrs 40mins, I was very dubious and I thought that Hrithik does not have the flair in him to carry off a strong historical figure like Akbar. I went to watch the movie with zero expectations, I was sure I would fall asleep half through the movie.
Well, I am glad to say that I enjoyed the movie every bit. The 3hrs 40mins did not seem too long at all and all the praise should go to Ashutosh Gowariker as a film maker. Also, I loved Hrithik Roshan in the movie. He delivered. He was brilliant as Akbar and gave a stellar performance. He looked like a Greek God. The cinematography was laudable; the sets were rich, extravagant and extremely beautiful. The battle scenes as well as the most tender of the scenes are shot with equal aplomb and detail. The battle scenes though lifted from “
Rehman’s music and background score as usual are impeccable. Though music is not the main focus of the movie, the background score was an integral part. Only 5 songs – but all the songs were important. Azeem-o-shah was picturised very well. In lamhon ke daaman – has become my favorite now.
The real star of the movie was undoubtedly Gowariker. His sincerity and hard work shows in the movie. It is by no measure a flawless movie, but definitely a laudable effort to capture the magnificence of the Mughal empire. The sets were huge, the jewelry opulent – but never does the focus shift from the intent of the movie. It is not a historical movie – it’s a love story set in the Mughal era. I think it’s all the more hard to depict – because it’s a story between historical characters that was never documented, maybe never even existed. The love story between them is built very delicately. The scenes between them, how their love blossoms, and how they start respecting each other – I found it really cute without being over the top and cheesy! The way it was shown was very fresh, delicate and nuanced and definitely makes you smile. It’s a totally feel-good movie.
All in all, I enjoyed the movie and Gowariker seems to be a very down-to-earth, sincere film maker. I have new found respect for Hrithik Roshan who has the range to play a super hero, a retarted adult, and also Akbar with the same conviction. Kudos!!
16 January, 2008
My heart is pink... !!
Your Heart Is Pink |
In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't. Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time. Your flirting style: Coy Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant What you bring to relationships: Romance |
I think the results fit me perfectly - especially the last part - what I bring to my relationship - ROMANCE! I hope the right people are reading this post!
10 January, 2008
A-Z of Me!!
Yes, yes I am bored – and yes I am vain and love to talk about myself – so here goes:
A – Articulate, adventurous, adorable
B – Bibliophile; I love books and reading
C – Crazy, cute, curious
D – Dynamic, darling, daring
E – Emotional – though I don’t show it
F – Foodie– I just love food – I will try anything at least once
G – Gutsy; am pretty bold they say!
H – Honest, humble, hard working
I – Independent – fiercely!
J – Umm…Judgmental – just a little though
K – Knowledgeable – I hope!
L – Lucky, lovable, leader
M – Married; yeah and surprisingly it’s been a year already!
N – Naughty, nutty, naive
O – Open minded, obnoxious (at times),
P – Positive, practical, plump, perky
Q – Queen-like J
R – Romantic, rebellious,
S – Shorter than what I would like to be
T – Talkative; I have been blessed with the gift of gab
U – Umm…. Can’t think of anything – does the ‘umm…’ count?
V – Vaidehi, vivacious, verbal
W – Witty
X – Xuberant; I know that’s not how it is spelt, but tell me one adjective that starts with ‘X’
Y – Youthful
Z – zzzzzzz – yes I love sleeping!